
The New Measurement.
Digital Marketing
The New Measurement.
9 May 2022 2 minutes
In my 20+ years of experience in the market measurement industry, most of the developments that I’ve seen have gone towards improving coverage and developing powerful analysis and visualization tools. Methodology has seldom changed and, today, similar algorithms are being used as they were two decades ago. Suppliers have often gone into an aggressive/defensive mode putting great strain on prices. At the same time, retailers have kept on seeking ways to increase the income from their data. This situation has consistently narrowed the margins and has damaged the level of service that clients receive. Regardless, the one element that hasn’t changed throughout the years is the need for businesses to translate the data into insights, decisions and actions....
Growth Hacking for Paid Social Media Campaigns
Digital Marketing
Growth Hacking for Paid Social Media Campaigns
8 February 2022 4 minutes
Social media has become a staple of running a modern business. Without a social media presence, you effectively lose the ability to give your business a voice, cutting off a communication channel and the vast engagement potential it represents. However, we know that setting up a working social media presence is not easy, which is why paid media and adverts on these platforms are essential. This paid media is only as successful as the effort you put into them - which is why we’re going to discuss how you can get the most out of paid media by following a simple, 4-step, process in this blog....
Improving CX with revenue enablement
Customer behaviour
Improving CX with revenue enablement
18 January 2022 4 minutes
Everyone is talking about CX. You can read any number of reports on what is top of mind for the c-suite and CX will often be top of the list. Your agencies are pressing you to focus on it, become more humanly relevant and "be more like Amazon." But what gets in the way of great CX? Antiquated operational structures and siloed teams, KPI’s and systems. We believe that revenue enablement strategies will help with this required transformation....
You don't need Digital Transformation - Prove us wrong
Digital Marketing
You don't need Digital Transformation - Prove us wrong
4 August 2021 4 minutes
Digital transformation - it’s the digital marketing buzzword of the 2020s and hailed as the future for companies across industries, nations, and sizes. But what if I were to tell you that you don’t always need digital transformation and that, in fact, it could prove to be a liability to your organisation rather than an asset?...

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